More than Just a Workout

Strong is Hard Assessments

Day 1 Part 1 Assessment– follow the items below then send us the results with the link below: 

Link to Downloadable PDF to Record Results For Day 1

  • Squats, 1 minute timed
  • Push-ups, 1 minute timed
  • Crunches, 1 minute timed
  • And timed to see how long you can hold a plank!
  • Weigh in
  • to report your results 
  • You do not have to weigh in again until the last day! Same with the test!
Day 1 Part 2 Your Daily Routine – Start accomplishing your daily targets: 2 workouts, water, protein, & journaling.
  • Check-in using the link
  • After submitting it takes you to the leaderboard
    • One Point for each item completed
Day 2-59 Your Daily Routine and check in each day at

Link to Downloadable PDF to Record Results For Days 2 through 59

Day 60 – take your post-test and weigh in and record at link above. Finish ALL of your days targets and check-in.

Link to Downloadable PDF to Record Results For Day 60

If you have questions, always reach out and ask!