Calves – Our Second Heart
The calf muscle is often referred to as the “second heart” because it plays a crucial role in our body’s circulatory system, similar to the heart. It helps pump oxygen-depleted blood back up to the heart, where it will pass into the lungs to receive a replenishing supply of oxygen. Strengthening your calves can have a positive impact on ankle strength and stability, running and sprinting performance, and power during vertical jumping.

and How to Strengthen Them
Here are some of the best exercises to strengthen the calves:
Double-Leg Calf Raise
Stand near a wall for balance, with your feet hip-width apart and ankles, knees, and hips in vertical alignment. Press down into the balls of both feet to raise your body upward, keeping your abdominal muscles pulled in to maintain proper alignment
Seated Calf Raise
How to:
This variation requires you to sit on a bench or chair with your feet flat on the ground
Place a weight or resistance band across your thighs, just above your knees. Press down into the balls of your feet to raise your heels off the ground, engaging your calf muscles. Lower your heels back down and repeat
Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise
How to:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Press down into the balls of your feet to raise your body upward, engaging your calf muscles. Lower your heels back down and repeat

Incorporating these exercises into your workout routines can help you build stronger, more defined calves. Remember to emphasize the importance of proper form and gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises to avoid injury. By focusing on calf strength, you can improve your overall fitness, stability, and athletic performance.