Hiking to Better Health, One Step at a Time.
Ahhh, the great outdoors. Time to get your adventure on and explore.
We started the hiking group 8 years ago as a way to take our in gym fitness gains, and work them outside of the gym. Our original goal was to hike 26 miles in a day. And that is exactly what we accomplished!
Since then we are toning down the ambition and looking to accomplish 13 miles in a day. We have put together a training program to get us there and to get us outside during the long winter months to enjoy fresh air, blue skies, and beautiful scenery.
The winter months tend to keep us locked up inside and immobile. What better way to bust through the winter doldrums than to head straight into the cold and elements?
Our adventure group is in full swing with our training hikes. So many new friends have joined that love spending time outdoors.
Sound like something crazy enough for you to want to do? Want to push yourself to achieve a new goal? There is still time to join us.
Click Here to get more details and to sign up!